Saturday, February 14, 2009

Did You Guess Sleeve?

Yep! That neck ruff collar used to be the sleeve off of a blouse--see:

Crazy, huh?! Don't you love how something can be reborn as something completely different!?
The fabric was so fluid and with the sleeve already being a double layer, I figured it would have enough body to hold up as a ruff. It was a one-of-a-kind, but really it's going to be more like one-of-a-pair since I have another sleeve yet to be transformed!

This blouse also had a very beautiful lace collar that I just dismembered from the fabric and adjusted the circumference to fit the neck as a choker (that sold on Ebay in less than a day!):

1 comment:

La Belle Savage jewelry design said...

yes I do love how something can be reborn into something different! These pieces are so FAB :)

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